所属系 :劳动经济系
2022.1-目前 副教授 威尼斯wns8885556中国经管学院
2018.9-2021.12 讲师 威尼斯wns8885556中国经管学院
2018年6月获经济学博士学位。曾在加拿大多伦多大学(University of Toronto)留学两年。
2017年至今,在Value in Health、 Health & Social Care in the Community、Palliative Medicine、International Journal for Equity in Health、Engineering Economics、Journal of Palliative Care、Journal of Palliative Medicine、International Journal of Health Services、Cancer Nursing、Globalization and Health、INQUIRY、Global Public Health等SSCI/SCI期刊上发表论文20篇,其中以第一作者发表SSCI/SCI论文13篇,以通讯作者发表SSCI/SCI论文3篇。
担任Journal of Health Economics、Value in Health、International journal for equity in health、Social Indicators Research、Plos One、Applied Economics、Chinese Sociological Review、Psychological Reports、Journal of Bioethical Inquiry、Scientific Reports、Risk Management and Healthcare Policy、BMC public health、BMC Health Services Research、International Health、Journal of Palliative Care、Energy Economics、Health policy and technology、Patient education and counseling、Journal of Aging & Social Policy、International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services等SSCI/SCI期刊、《首都经济贸易大学学报》《经济与管理研究》等中文期刊匿名审稿人。
1. 2018-09-01,至今,威尼斯wns8885556中国,博士后
2. 2018-09-01,至今,威尼斯wns8885556中国,讲师
3. 2015-09-01,2017-11-01,加拿大多伦多大学,访问交流
序号 | 论文名称 | 第一作者 | 合作者 | 期刊名称 | 发表年月 | 期号 |
1 | 老年照料需求增加会减少中年劳动人口的劳动时间吗? | 柴化敏 | 蔡娇丽(通讯);李晶 | 人口与发展 | 2021-12 | 6期 |
2 | 中国基本医疗保险、户籍差异与新生儿健康|以上海市为例 | 唐迪 | 蔡娇丽(通讯);高向东;方中书 | 南方人口 | 2021-05 | 02期 |
3 | 家庭照料强度与中年劳动人口非农就业的关系研究 | 柴化敏 | 李晶,蔡娇丽,曾毅 | 人口学刊 | 2021-05 | 3期 |
4 | 社会经济地位与老年健康不平等|基于生命历程视角的研究 | 蔡娇丽 | 张力 | 新视野 | 2020-11 | 6期 |
序号 | 论文名称 | 第一作者 | 合作者 | 期刊名称 | 发表年月 | 期号 |
1 | Has socioeconomic inequality in perceived access to health services narrowed among older adults in China? | 蔡娇丽 | Yue Li, Ruoxi Li & Peter C. Coyte | BMC Health Services Research | 2024-09 | 1期 |
2 | The Effect of China’s two-child policy on the child sex ratio: Evidence From Shanghai, China | Di Tang | Xiangdong Gao; Jiaoli Cai(通讯); Peter C. Coyte | INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing | 2022-01 | 1期 |
3 | Determinants of primary and non‐primary informal care‐giving to home‐based palliative care cancer care‐recipients in Ontario, Canada | 蔡娇丽 | Zhang,Guerriere, Coyte | Health & Social Care in the Community | 2021-03 | 6期 |
4 | The determinants of the intensity of home-based informal care among cancer patients in receipt of home-based palliative care | 蔡娇丽 | Zhang,Guerriere, Coyte | PALLIATIVE MEDICINE | 2020-12 | 10期 |
5 | Childhood Nutrition in Rural China: What Impact Does Public Health Insurance Have? | Hongli Fan | Qingyue Yan; Suchun Liu; 蔡娇丽(通讯作者); Peter C. Coyte | VALUE IN HEALTH | 2020-11 | 3期 |
6 | What Variables Contribute to the Achievement of a Preferred Home Death for Cancer Patients in Receipt of Home-Based Palliative Care in Canada? | 蔡娇丽 | Zhang;Guerriere, Denise; Fan, Hongli; Coyte, Peter C | cancer nursing | 2020-07 | 4期 |
7 | Impacts of absolute and relative income on self-rated health in urban and rural China | 蔡娇丽 | Laporte, Zhang, Zhao, Tang, Fan, Deng, Coyte | International Journal of Health Services | 2020-05 | 1期 |
8 | Congruence between Preferred and Actual Place of Death for Those in Receipt of Home-Based Palliative Care | 蔡娇丽 | Zhang, Guerriere, Coyte | JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE MEDICINE | 2020-04 | 2期 |
9 | Psychological Mechanisms Linking County-Level Income Inequality to Happiness in China | 蔡娇丽 | Zhang, Zhao, Coyte | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2018-12 | 12期 |
10 | Correlation of Palliative Performance Scale and Survival in Patients With Cancer Receiving Home-Based Palliative Care | 蔡娇丽 | Denise N. Guerriere, Hongzhong Zhao, Peter C. Coyte | Journal of palliative care | 2018-04 | 期 |
11 | The Effect of Intellectual Property Rights Protection on the International Competitiveness of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry in China | 蔡娇丽 | Hongzhong Zhao, Peter C. Coyte | INZINERINE EKONOMIKA-ENGINEERING ECONOMICS | 2018-02 | 1期 |
12 | A study on satisfaction with publicly financed health services in China | Shaoguo Zhai | Pei Wang, Anli Wang, Quanfang Dong, Jiaoli Cai, Peter C. Coyte | Globalization and Health | 2017-08 | 期 |
13 | A study on the equality and benefit of China’s national health care system | Shaoguo Zhai | Pei Wang, Quanfang Dong, Xing Ren, Jiaoli Cai and Peter C. Coyte | International Journal for Equity in Health | 2017-08 | 期 |
14 | Decomposing the causes of socioeconomic-related health inequality among urban and rural populations in China: a new decomposition approach | 蔡娇丽 | Peter C. Coyte; Hongzhong Zhao | International Journal for Equity in Health | 2017-07 | 期 |
15 | Determinants of and socio-economic disparities in self-rated health in China | 蔡娇丽 | Peter C. Coyte; Hongzhong Zhao | International Journal for Equity in Health | 2017-01 | 1期 |
序号 | 负责人 | 主持/参加 | 项目名称 | 项目来源 | 立项时间 | 结项时间 |
1 | 焦敬娟 | 参与 | 京津冀协同背景下交通可达性对人口迁移区位选择的影响研究 | 北京市哲社办 | 2021-07-01 | 2023-06-30 |
2 | 蔡娇丽 | 主持 | 早期负面经历对我国女性老年人健康不平等影响机制研究 | 其它 | 2020-07-01 | 2020-12-31 |
3 | 蔡娇丽 | 主持 | 基于时间、空间、情境的老年群体健康不平等的测度、演化及干预研究 | 国家自然科学基金青年基金 | 2020-01-01 | 2022-12-31 |
4 | 蔡娇丽 | 主持 | 北京市失能老人长期照护服务需求预测与资源配置研究 | 北京市哲社办 | 2020-01-01 | 2022-12-31 |
5 | 张力 | 参与 | 全国高校毕业生就业状况(2017) | 社会科学横向项目 | 2019-04-03 | 2019-08-30 |
6 | 蔡娇丽 | 主持 | 与社会经济地位相关的健康不平等研究|一种新的分解方法 | 基本科研业务费人才基金 | 2018-10-16 | 2020-09-15 |
序号 | 负责人 | 主持/参加 | 项目名称 | 项目来源 | 立项时间 | 结项时间 |
1 | 蔡娇丽 | 主持 | 我国汽车零部件制售企业发展规划研究 | 社会科学横向项目 | 2021-04-20 | 2021-08-31 |