所属系 :信息管理系
        张润彤,男,1963年11月出生,博士,威尼斯wns8885556中国教授、博导、信息管理系主任;国家社科基金重大项目首席专家;宝钢优秀教师奖获得者;目前兼任2013-2017、2018-2022年国家教育部高等学校电子商务类专业教学指导委员会秘书长、IEEE Senior Member、IEEE物流信息化专业委员会(Technical Committee)主席、瑞典国家计算机科学研究院终身高级研究员、英国里丁大学亨利商学院客座教授、北京市“物流信息化”研究基地首席专家。张润彤教授的研究经历为电子商务与企业信息化、大数据驱动的现代管理与决策、运筹学与人工智能等,并在这些领域中发表过论文420余篇。此外,张润彤教授还出版学术专著/教材43部、并在下一代互联网领域拥有16项国内、国际专利。共主持承担包括国家社科基金重大项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目和面上项目、863、科技部、教育部、发改委、北京市基金和企业委托项目在内的科研项目逾100项;其主讲的“电子商务概论”课程获“2004年国家级精品课程”称号,并于2013年升级为“国家级精品资源共享课”。先后20次担任国际学术大会总主席(General Chair)。
1. 2007-08-01,至今,威尼斯wns8885556中国信息管理系,主任
2. 2002-03-01,2005-07-01,瑞典计算机科学研究所合作研究,合作者
3. 2001-01-01,至今,威尼斯wns8885556中国,教授
4. 1997-01-01,2001-01-01,威尼斯wns8885556中国,副教授
5. 1996-01-01,1997-01-01,克里特理工大学工业工程管理系,博士后
6. 1985-01-01,1993-01-01,天津港务局科技处,工程师
序号 | 论文名称 | 第一作者 | 合作者 | 期刊名称 | 发表年月 | 期号 |
1 | 数据驱动的大型医院门诊系统服务效率与患者流研究 | 张润彤 | 赵红梅, 许媛, 张雄, 王超, 尚小溥 | 管理科学 | 2019-11 | 6期 |
2 | 中文超声文本结构化与知识网络构建方法研究 | 尚小溥 | 许吴环, 赵红梅, 张润彤, 朱燊 | 图书情报工作 | 2019-08 | 16期 |
3 | 新新媒介下出版物营销策略研究 | 薛琪 | 王亮, 张润彤 | 科技与出版 | 2017-07 | 7期 |
4 | 患者偏好系数与医疗卫生机构就诊率的关系研究 | 陆心怡 | 张润彤, 朱晓敏 | 管理科学 | 2017-01 | 1期 |
序号 | 论文名称 | 第一作者 | 合作者 | 期刊名称 | 发表年月 | 期号 |
1 | A new multi-criteria group decision-making approach based on q-rung orthopair fuzzy interaction Hamy mean operators | 邢玉平 | 张润彤, 王军, 白凯元, Xue | Neural Computing and Applications | 2020-06 | 11期 |
2 | Impact of personal trust tendency on patient compliance based on internet health information seeking | 张鸿冉 | 张润彤, 陆心怡, 朱晓敏 | Telemedicine and e-Health | 2020-03 | 3期 |
3 | Fulfilling information needs of patients in online health communities | 陈东华 | 张润彤, 冯嘉仪, Liu | Health Information and Libraries Journal | 2020-03 | 1期 |
4 | An Empirical Study on Patients’ Acceptance of Physician-patient Interaction in Online Health Communities | 陆心怡 | 张润彤, 朱晓敏 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2019-12 | 无期 |
5 | The impact of individuals’ attitudes toward health websites on their perceived quality of health information: An empirical study | 刘思颖 | 张润彤, 陆心怡 | Telemedicine and e-Health | 2019-11 | 11期 |
6 | Some q-Rung orthopair fuzzy point weighted aggregation operators for multi-attribute decision making soft computing | 邢玉平 | 张润彤, 周珍, 王军 | Soft Computing | 2019-11 | 22期 |
7 | Directed disease networks to facilitate multiple-disease risk assessment modeling | 王婷艳 | Qiu, Yu, 张润彤 | Decision Support Systems | 2019-10 | 无期 |
8 | Simulation of narrowing the gap for common ailment’ visiting rates in coastline rural areas of China | 马健 | 张润彤, 李清华, 朱晓敏 | Journal of Coastal Research | 2019-09 | 期 |
9 | Hierarchical medical cooperative price decision of county-township hospitals in coastline areas based on revenue-sharing contract | 马健 | 张润彤, Huang, 陈俊慧 | Journal of Coastal Research | 2019-09 | sp1期 |
10 | CYFRA21-1 tests in the diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer: A meta-analysis | 付磊 | Wang, Yin, 尚小溥, 张润彤, Zhang | International Journal of Biological Markers | 2019-09 | 3期 |
11 | The health benefits and economic effects of cooperative PM2.5 control: A cost-effectiveness game model | 周珍 | 谭志斌, 于晓辉, 张润彤, 魏一鸣, 张美佳, 孙红霞, 孟静, 米志付 | Journal of Cleaner Production | 2019-08 | 期 |
12 | q-Rung orthopair fuzzy uncertain linguistic choquet integral operators and their application to multi-attribute decision making | 邢玉平 | 张润彤, 朱晓敏, 白凯元 | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | 2019-07 | 1期 |
13 | Why do patients follow physicians’ advice? The influence of patients’ regulatory focus on adherence: an empirical study in China | 张润彤 | 陆心怡, 武文, 尚小溥 | BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH | 2019-05 | 19期 |
14 | Impact of physician-patient communication in online health communities on patient compliance: Cross-sectional questionnaire study | 陆心怡 | 张润彤 | Journal of Medical Internet Research | 2019-05 | 5期 |
15 | Some q-Rung picture fuzzy dombi hamy mean operators with their application to project assessment | 贺佳欢 | 王馨迪, 张润彤, 李莉 | Mathmatics | 2019-05 | 5期 |
16 | A method to multi-attribute decision making with picture fuzzy information based on Muirhead mean | 许媛 | 尚小溥, 王军, 张润彤, Li, 邢玉平 | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | 2019-04 | 4期 |
17 | Some interval-valued q-rung dual hesitant fuzzy muirhead mean operators with their application to multi-attribute decision-making | 许媛 | 尚小溥, 王军, 赵红梅, 张润彤, 白凯元 | IEEE Access | 2019-04 | 期 |
18 | Some q-rung orthopair fuzzy Muirhead means with their application to multi-attribute group decision making | 王军 | 张润彤, 朱晓敏, 周珍, 尚小溥, Li | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | 2019-03 | 2期 |
19 | Some new pythagorean fuzzy choquet-frank aggregation operators for multi-attribute decision making | 邢玉平 | 张润彤, 朱晓敏, 王军 | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | 2018-11 | 11期 |
20 | A context-awareness positioning scheme in hospital WLAN environment | 周阳 | 张润彤, 陈东华, 尚小溥, Zhou | International Journal of RF Technologies | 2018-11 | 3-4期 |
21 | Some picture fuzzy dombi heronian mean operators with their application to multi-attribute decision making | 张鸿冉 | 张润彤, 黄慧群, 王军 | Symmetry | 2018-11 | 11期 |
22 | Leveraging Shannon entropy to validate the transition between ICD-10 and ICD-11 | 陈东华 | 张润彤, 朱晓敏 | Entropy | 2018-10 | 11期 |
23 | Medical service unity: An effective approach for medical care in rural areas in China | Liu | 张润彤, 尹岭, Sun, Pan, Hou, 尚小溥, Yang | Rural and Remote Health | 2018-09 | 3期 |
24 | Relationship between internet health information and patient compliance based on trust: Empirical study | 陆心怡 | 张润彤, 武文, 尚小溥, Liu | Journal of Medical Internet Research | 2018-08 | 8期 |
25 | Enhancing online patient support through health-care knowledge in online health communities: A descriptive study | 陈东华 | 张润彤, Liu, Hou | Information | 2018-08 | 8期 |
26 | Mature or Emerging? The Impact of Treatment-Related Internet Health Information Seeking on Patients’ Trust in Physicians | 张润彤 | 陆心怡, 武文, 尚小溥, Manlu | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2018-08 | 9期 |
27 | Some q-orthopair linguistic Heronian mean operators with their application to multi-attribute group decision making | 李莉 | 张润彤, 王军, 尚小溥 | Archives of Control Sciences | 2018-08 | 4期 |
28 | A Novel Multiattribute Decision-Making Method Based on Point-Choquet Aggregation Operators and Its Application in Supporting the Hierarchical Medical Treatment System in China | 张润彤 | 邢玉平, 王军, 尚小溥, 朱晓敏 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH | 2018-08 | 8期 |
29 | Process ontology technology in modeling clinical pathway information system | 马健 | 张润彤, 朱晓敏, 曹润颀 | International Journal of Comtuters and Applications | 2018-07 | 7期 |
30 | Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography | 张润彤 | 马健, 吉鸿 | Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography | 2018-07 | 4期 |
31 | A Novel Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Method Based on Point-Choquet Aggregation Operators and Its Application in Supporting Hierarchical Medical Treatment System in China | 张润彤 | 邢玉平, 王军, 朱晓敏, 尚小溥 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2018-07 | 7期 |
32 | Knowledge discovery from posts in online health communities using Unified Medical Language System | 陈东华 | 张润彤, Liu, Hou | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2018-06 | 6期 |
33 | Pythagorean fuzzy power Muirhead means with their application to multi-attribute group decision making | 李莉 | 张润彤, 王军, 朱晓敏, 邢玉平 | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | 2018-06 | 7期 |
34 | SNOMED CT体系下医疗健康大数据映射和迁移方法研究 | 陈东华 | 张润彤, 付磊, 尚小溥, 朱晓敏 | 情报学报 | 2018-05 | 5期 |
35 | Hesitant fuzzy linguistic Muirhead means with their application to multi-attribute group decision making | 王军 | 张润彤, 朱晓敏, 邢玉平, Buchmeister | Complexity | 2018-05 | 5期 |
36 | A novel approach to multi-attribute group decision making with q-rung picture linguistic information | 李莉 | 张润彤, 王军, 尚小溥, 白凯元 | Symmetry | 2018-05 | 5期 |
37 | A knowledge-constrained access control model for protecting patient privacy in hospital information systems | 张润彤 | 陈东华, 尚小溥, 朱晓敏, Liu | IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics | 2018-05 | 3期 |
38 | A Text Structuring Method for the Chinese Medical Text based on Temporal Information | 张润彤 | 褚夫志, 陈东华, 尚小溥 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2018-03 | 3期 |
39 | Generalized point operators for aggregating dual hesitant fuzzy information | 邢玉平 | 张润彤, 夏梅梅, 王军 | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | 2017-06 | 1期 |
40 | Some generalized Pythagorean fuzzy Bonferroni mean aggregation operators with their application to multi-attribute group decision-making | 张润彤 | 王军, 朱晓敏, 夏梅梅, 于明 | Complexity | 2017-06 | 2017期 |
41 | Solving the stability-accuracy-diversity dilemma of recommender systems | Hou | Liu, Liu, 张润彤 | Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications | 2017-02 | 期 |
42 | A data processing scheme based on CXML in mobile commerce | 石声波 | 张润彤 | Journal of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering | 2016-12 | 4期 |
43 | Fuzzy valuation-based system for Bayesian decision problems | 周珍 | 张润彤, 潘燕, 荣毅宏, 王杰 | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | 2016-03 | 4期 |
44 | A hierarchical method to automatically encode Chinese diagnoses through semantic similarity estimation | Ning | Yu, 张润彤 | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making | 2016-03 | 1期 |
45 | Design theory, modelling and the application for the Internet of Things service | 尚小溥 | 张润彤, 朱晓敏, 周荃 | ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 2016-03 | 10期 |
46 | Choquet-based multi-criteria decision making with objective and subjective information | 夏梅梅 | 张润彤, Badr | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | 2016-02 | 2期 |
47 | Design Theory, Modeling and the Application for the Internet of Things Service | 尚小溥 | 张润彤, 朱晓敏, 周荃 | Enterprise Information Systems | 2015-06 | 10.1080/17517575期 |
48 | Study on the project supervision system based on the principal-agent theory | 张润彤 | 周阳, 庄红男, 朱晓敏 | Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management | 2015-04 | 2期 |
49 | A study on an energy conservation and interconnection scheme between WSN and Internet based on the 6LoWPAN | 张润彤 | 褚夫志, 袁泉, 戴伟 | Mobile Information Systems journal | 2015-02 | 期 |
序号 | 第一作者 | 合作者 | 论文名称 | 论文集名称 | 发表年月 |
1 | 王茜 | 张润彤 | TCP-Friendly Congestion Control Schemes in the Internet | 2001-12 |
序号 | 负责人 | 主持/参加 | 项目名称 | 项目来源 | 立项时间 | 结项时间 |
1 | 夏梅梅 | 参与 | 网络社会发展规律及演化趋势研究 | 基本科研业务费人文社科重大培育项目 | 2017-01-01 | 2024-09-30 |
2 | 张润彤 | 主持 | 信号系统仿真及配套相关软件开发 | 威尼斯wns8885556中国 | 2016-12-01 | 2019-12-31 |
3 | 张真继 | 参与 | 竞赛机器人决策系统的研究与开发 | 威尼斯wns8885556中国 | 2007-04-01 | 2008-10-31 |
4 | 张真继 | 参与 | 协同工作中智能代理研究 | 国际合作 | 2007-01-31 | 2008-12-31 |
5 | 张真继 | 参与 | Enhancements of Mobile Learning for Bamboo, II | 北京交大创新科技中心 | 2007-01-01 | 2008-06-30 |
6 | 叶蜀君 | 参与 | 对高风险项目财务评审指标体系的研究 | 威尼斯wns8885556中国 | 2002-03-05 | 2002-12-31 |